

The Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE for Comité de Liaison des Géomètres-Experts) is the leading representational body for the Geodetic Surveyors Europe. It promotes the Profession in the EU and fosters its development in the Council of Europe countries. The activities of our members include Property and Cadastral Surveying which provides security to land and property title and thus underlies the economic base of western society. Geospatial Information is now ubiquitous in our lives and the Geodetic Surveyor plays a fundamental role in this field as well. Currently CLGE unites 38 countries and 3 observing members, i.e. 41 members states. All EU members states are represented. The individual Geodetic Surveyors are the final and most important beneficiaries of our activities. However CLGE also pursues more general aims such as the sustainable development of our societies as well as the public and individual interests of European Citizens. Since 2011, CLGE closely cooperates with the GSA for the promotion of EGNOS and Galileo. CLGE took part in several European projects and studies, such as Geoskills+, Pegasus (for the GSA market report) and the Common Training Principles for Engineers. CLGE is part of the Common Vision Conference, gathering EuroGeographics, the Permanent Committee on European Cadastre and ELRA. Several of our delegates have an extended knowledge in the field of Surveying, Geodesy and GNSS. Many have published papers in this field as shown in the FIG website (publications, proceedings, peer review journal, database, FIG Surveyors Reference Library). Actually nearly all European FIG authors are affiliated to the CLGE members and we can activate them via our professional network.

In GISCAD-OV CLGE will play an essential role in the coordination of the pilot projects to be run in Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. For this, it is able to activate its extensive networks of Surveying Associations (in charge of running the pilot projects with some of their members) and its good relations with PCC and EuroGeographics as well as their members, the National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCA’s). CLGE will contribute in the production of a Surveying Standard and a Data Collection Procedure.

In addition CLGE will collect the user requirements of the whole value chain, carry out harmonisation and dissemination activities for the promotion of innovations. CLGE is very relevant for the introduction of the Galileo HAS.

Project contact
Jean Yves PIRLOT