

Geo++ provides software solutions for professional GNSS correction services, including agricultural equipment manufacturers, federal surveying authorities and major transportation stakeholders. Geo++ has invented network RTK in the early 90's and has kept technology leadership in the field of GNSS augmentation ever since. Internationally recognized GNSS antenna calibration services are provided by Geo++ with its robot-based absolute GNSS calibration system. Geo++ is active in international standardization activities within the RTCM. GNSMART is the Geo++ NRTK software based on the state space monitoring and representation concept. The state space of all relevant GNSS error components is monitored (SSM) and adequately modelled to provide a precise state space representation (SSR) disseminated by standardized formats to rover applications. Precise NRTK services as well as PPP or PPP-RTK services are supported from SSR in different GNSS correction formats like standardized RTCM VRS, FKP, MAC or SSR. In addition, Geo++ develops its own SSR formats and is software provider of the Japanese Centimeter Level Augmentation Service CLAS.

Within the GISCAD-OV project Geo++ will work on the design of the GNSS service infrastructure for cadastral surveying operations, on the setup and maintenance of the GNSS service pilot project, on the validation of pilot project results and on the standardization of GNSS real-time correction data format improvements and optimizations.

Geo++ will provide the GNSMART software package for the duration of the project. GNSMART is an essential component of the project architecture and will provide GNSS RTK networking, RTK services as well as PPP/PPP-RTK services. The functionality of GNSMART allows for a centralized or de-centralized GNSS data center approach in a flexible manner.

Project contact
Martin Schmitz
Christopher Perschke
Jannes Wübbena
Gerald Boettcher
Swantje Balssen
Andre Warnecke
Christoph Wallat