

Activities of CNIG are mainly:

- The marketing and dissemination of products and services of the IGN.
- Commercially manage and exploit the high-tech developments of the IGN.
- Guarantee the quality and distribution of official geographic information, supporting the Superior Geographic Council and promoting the formation and dissemination of knowledge.
- Provide technical support to the Superior Geographic Council.
- Promote the formation and training of subjects specialized in cartography and geography.
- To issue resolutions of a technical nature in terms of stakeout lines, when officially required.
- Support the development and use of national cartography and provide assistance.
- Provide specialized technical assistance and cartographic infrastructure to both the public and private sectors.
- Develop products and services on demand and participation in research, technology and innovation projects.
- Perform specialized technical assistance in the field of geographic techniques and sciences and the functions established in Royal Law 663/2007, as well as in those determined by the Geographic Superior Council regarding Public Administrations integrated into the System National Cartographic
- The planning and management of the Geographic Information Infrastructure of Spain, as well as the harmonization and standardization, within the framework of the National Cartographic System, of the official geographic information.

In GISCAD-OV CNIG, through the support of IGN Spain (third party in the project), will take part on GISCAD-OV in the WP4 (pilot projects), carrying out and coordinating field test campaigns for on-field validation stage.

CNIG will perform field campaigns in order to achieve a set of reliable control points (geodetic and cadastral benchmarks) with high quality ETRF00 coordinates where a comparison with the different techniques proposed in the project will be made. In a second stage, CNIG will coordinate and perform campaigns following the different strategies described in the proposal for validation (especially NRTK with Galileo frequencies in its local augmentation service, Galileo High Accuracy Services and PPP-AR multiple frequency instantaneous fixing when available).

Project contact
Jose Antonio Sanchez Sobrino
Juan Manuel Rodriguez Borreguero
Victor Puente García
Manuel Tendero Lopez
Jesus Diaz Centeno
Sara Camblor Diez
Marcelino Valdes Perez de Vargas